
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Where's Waldo? and Arnold Schwarzenegger? and Susie?

Life is Good: and unpredictable!


Well, hello there! It appears that I have taken the summer off. I didn't plan on it, but it just happened. While I haven't spent any time documenting it, I have spent it with three of my favorite guys and it has been a wonderful, fulfilling summer. Many smiles have crossed our mouths, many giggles have escaped our lips. It hasn't all been sunshine and ice cream, of course, but it wouldn't be real life it were.

As we approach the last week before the big kid goes to first grade (WHAT???), I have begun to reflect on the summer. And realize that I barely pulled my camera out (thank goodness for the iphone!). Summer break didn't seem long enough, but then again, it never does. Still, I am grateful. I am grateful for the time and the memories. So next week, I will try to carve out some time to document some bits and pieces of yet another wonderful time in our lives for these little dudes of ours. And if you are interested, stay tuned! Arnold Schwarzenegger and I WILL BE BACK!


(from me!)

Arnold and I make quite a pair, don't you think?!? WINK!

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