
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Raising Siblings Who Are Friends

Life is Good: Even though I'm not documenting it!

Oh, gee. I have written so many posts about these three little boys lately. Unfortunately, each one was just in my head. I suppose I could have stopped to type them up. But then I would have missed out on snuggling a newborn, donning superhero costumes with the Little Kid, or drawing Star Wars characters with the Big Kid. Or I would have missed out on sleep. The third time around, I am choosing to go to be earlier than I did when the first two little boys were born. I've discovered that it really is important for me to get more sleep at night so that I can be the mama I want to be during the day.

Soon, this newborn/infant schedule will change and I will be able to document all of the silly things the kids say, the delight I get from the baby's smiles and coos, and all of the other totally ordinary extraordinary things that these children do to make Grant's and my life absolutely thrilling.

Until then, I'll share what someone else wrote. Admittedly, I skimmed this. But I liked what I skimmed! There are some nice thoughts about siblings and friendship and relationship building. Have a peek and let me know what you think!

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