
Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Last Day of 2nd Grade

Life is Good: and speeding along

If you want to get a bit teary, walk your Big Kid to his last day of 2nd grade and then, when you get home, sort through the pile of junk that he pulled out of his backpack right before you walked out the door this morning. You will find a file of letters that his teacher had each student write to each other over the past year. You will get confirmation that your child is a great friend, good at sports, is helpful and funny, and has a great "laff" among other lovely things. You will feel happy that your child is liked by his classmates, you will giggle at some of the darling comments ("I don't have a pet. It's torchur."), and you will breathe a sigh of relief that moving your child to a new school in a new area of the city worked out really well. And he's really okay. It's really okay. It all worked out. Really. Then, you will say lots of praises to God, a prayer of gratitude, and your eyes will get a bit wet. 

And then, your four-year old Little Kid will walk into the room wearing a platinum blonde (lady's) wig that you wore for Halloween one year before kids (now a dress up bin castoff) and declare that he is a "hairy dog" and you will laugh all the way from your belly while you say another prayer of thanks.

These kids keep growing, life keeps speeding by. Luckily, we have these incredible moments of letter writing and costume wearing and well, there's more, but the Littlest One just pulled out every sock, shoe, and blanket he owns out of the drawers so...gotta run! 18-month olds don't have time for sentimentality! Life is zooming...enjoy!

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